First, I know a few of you were expecting to see an update on my newest hobby, specifically the Enterprise-B that I recently finished. Unfortunately my plans for the week changed radically on Monday, so that will have to wait until next week.

Second, Scarybooster is having Bloggerpalooza this week. He emailed a bunch of bloggers, including myself, a few questions and he’s posting the results all this week, so go check them out.

Third, there’s a trailer out from Bethesda for a (new to me) game called Dishonored that looks amazing. It is of course mostly, if not all, cinematic but the premise and setting both look really interesting to me.

Three things.

One thought on “Three things.

  • April 18, 2012 at 3:53 pm

    That new Bethesda game looks awesome. Thanks for the heads up.

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