In what was surely only to Ubisoft, their shiny new DRM scheme has been cracked within 24 hours of the release of Silent Hunter V. There’s more details and links at Info Addict, Rock Paper Shotgun, and Destructoid if you’re interested. Ubisoft claims that it really isn’t cracked, but what else are they going to say.

I would say I predicted this, but really who couldn’t have. Regardless of the crack, I’m still not planning to buy any of their games PC or 360. Too bad, I hear Assassin’s Creed 2 is pretty good, but then again I have a literal pile of 360 and PC games I haven’t finished yet.

No Surprise, Ubisoft DRM Cracked Already
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4 thoughts on “No Surprise, Ubisoft DRM Cracked Already

  • March 4, 2010 at 4:35 pm

    It’s not really an arms race if one side always steamrolls the other. Go Team Pirate, I guess.

    I remember someone saying the DRM is for the benefit of investors. It’s the equivalent of the company saying “See, we really are trying to stop piracy!” As long as video games are Big Business, they aren’t going to change their ways.

    • March 4, 2010 at 7:48 pm

      Very true, it reminds me a lot of how politicians always go for the easiest solution they can regardless of if it is a good solution.

    • March 4, 2010 at 7:49 pm

      I know! I can tell you are just as deeply shocked and surprised as I am. Who would’ve thought this super fantastic DRM that Ubisoft came up with would be broken and so quickly. 😉

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