I’ve been running a small Minecraft server that myself and a bunch of (internet) friends play on for nearly a month now, but besides keeping a page up to date and some Twitter posts, I realized I hadn’t actually mentioned it on the site yet. So if you only read me via RSS, this is probably all new to you.
Minecraft servers are pretty easy to setup and run, but (as is often the case) requires a bit of work if you want to secure it. The multiplayer server is in a much rougher state than the single player game (which I often forget it’s in its alpha stage). For example, there’s no health system in place so neither players or monsters can take damage.
A bigger issue is that there’s no way to limit who can connect to the server, unless you use one of the many mods that fans have put together. I started using to Hey0’s mod last week and initially implemented it as a whitelist. This meant that only people I’d added to the list could access the server. It’s pretty restricting though and keeps people who aren’t interested in building from just visiting. So, I switched the server configuration to use a user list instead. Now anyone who wants to (and has a valid Minecraft username) can pop in and have a look around. Just launch Minecraft, click on Multiplater, and enter minecraft.bluekae.com
where it asks for IP address.
Of course if you’d like to join our little community, you’re welcome to do so, I just need your username so I can add you to the user list. Leave a comment here or on the server page, send me an email, or send it to me on Twitter.
Hi! Add me, Maxivik. I have explored quite a bit, and it looks awesome!
I have you added, welcome! 🙂
Hey pretty amazing server was wondering if I could join in on the fun! 🙂
I need your Minecraft user name if you want to actually build. You can leave it in a comment or email me.Never mind, I found you’re username in the logs. I’ve added you to the user list. See you in the game.
Wow, awesome server! I’d love to join if there’s room for one more. 🙂 My username is Paislea. 🙂
Sure! Space hasn’t been a problem so far. See you online!
I’d like to join if thats okay 🙂
My name is Joobastik
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