I finished Portal 2 on Friday night. Well actually it was Saturday morning:
11:30 pm – I think I’ll play a little Portal 2 before I go to bed.
12:30 am – I think I’ll solve another one or two puzzles before I go to bed.
2 am – What time is it? Oh… One more puzzle then I’ll go to bed.
3:30 am – What the- ok, I really need to go to bed so I’m not a zombie at my son’s swimming lesson. I’ll just finish this puzzle and then go to bed.
5 am – That was a good game. It’s going to be a rough morning.
And then I’ll go to bed…
Okay I’m going to get cracking on Portal 2. My brother left to go home tonight, so now I return to my regular gaming schedule. Let’s hope Mr. GC doesn’t go and buy LA Noire sometime this week to distract me…
Don’t rush on my account, I’m in no hurry.
thats just goooood gaming 🙂
Makes for a rough day the next day though. I don’t bounce back from a nearly-all-nighter like I used to.