I love the Internet!
Okay, maybe that’s too obvious coming from a blogger and MMO gamer. It’s even more obvious if you know that I’m a web developer professionally (programming not design as you can tell by this blog). But this week ended with a really nice happy accident.
I follow Wil Wheaton on Twitter, who happens to be a big fan of Soul Coughing as am I, and I see him mention on Twitter several months back that Mike Doughty (the singer and songwriter for Soul Coughing) is crowdfunding a re-imagining of Soul Coughing songs on PledgeMusic. That album turned out great and I loved that he did a series of short videos documenting the recording process.
More recently, Mike sends out an update that he’s crowdfunding a new album, and like the first one he’s doing short videos of the recording process. In one of the recent ones he has some interesting guys that come in and play saxophones for some tracks. These guys are a band named Moon Hooch and the video was interesting enough that I checked out their bandcamp site and fell in love with their music. This was cool enough but I sent Mike a thank you for introducing me to a new band and got an email that he favorited it, which made my Friday.
Getting that email Friday reminded me how much of a catalyst the Internet is for connecting people based on similar interests regardless of geography.
Day 9 of Blaugust