I’m hanging out in a playhall late on day one of GenCon watching a board game while I wait for the Shadowrun: Crossfire event, blogging from my phone. Like just about every instance in the past all of the social anxiety I’ve been feeling was unfounded. Today was a lot of fun, and busy.
I had a little adventure finding a parking space in the morning, followed by a massive line at will call to pick up my event tickets. I figured I’d be smart and spend an hour in the dealer hall so the line would go down only to have it get even longer. It ended up being about 40 minutes to get through which left me some time before my first event. Conventions are an odd mix of fun and waiting.
Playing some Star Realms and Golem Arcana was great but the highlight so far was getting to have beers with friends at dinner.
My gaming budget for the con is already busted too, I think. I’ll try to avoid paying attention to that until Monday.
Day 14 of Blaugust