Interested in joining a fleet? Tipa, Longasc, and myself are planning to form a fleet in STO soon (hopefully tonight). We’ve been making due with a custom chat channel up until now (stotwitter, if you want to join), but we’re missing out on a second uniform slot (which I want so I can toggle between modern and TOS era uniforms) as well as building some community for missions and taskforces.
Send me an email if you’re interested (it’s on the contact page), leave a comment below, or look me up in-game Bryn@bluekae.
Fleet Forming
I just suggested what Tipa said, Tweet Fleet, or my personal favorite which is unlikely to get a majority vote, Team Tribble. 🙂
Got your email, sent a reply 🙂
Tweet Fleet is used pretty heavily on Twitter by EVE players. I dug up a couple of old ideas I had: Sentinel Fleet and Unity Task Force. Judging by the forums there’s a Sentinels Fleet already the that might cause too much confusion. One new name idea: Wordforge Fleet (or Task Force).
Any other suggestions?
I roll only with Klingons. 😛
Brian, I dropped you a line via a in-game message. MMOGamerchick and I were in the same failed fleet, and I just posted about looking for a new home. If you have space for one more, I’d like to join up.
Absolutely! I checked my mail through the website and didn’t see any thing. I’ll check again when I get home tonight. I’ll email you at your comment address if I still don’t see it.
Sounds good!
Do feel free to use the ranking scheme I drafted a while back. I have been thinking about doing an all-Gorn fleet, the CBK, but for now I’m just happy to play the game. Especially because two of my three test case Klingons have K’tingas. Mmm, real Klingon.
STO is definitely on my short list whenever I get done with Allods.
Not sure if you saw the email I sent you a while back, but I have a 10-day buddy key left from the CR I bought. Let me know when you’re ready and I’ll send it to you.
The fleet got formed up and Tipa threw another bridge party. I’ll post more tomorrow.
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